Guiding principles

Dansateliers is a dancehouse for development in the city of Rotterdam. The house facilitates and coaches (emerging) choreographers and guides them – over a longer period of time – towards a self-standing practice within the performing arts field. Dansateliers supports in all phases of the process, from research to creation, from production to presentation and promotion, always tailor-made. Works and artists are promoted in their network of partners and theatre programmers.

Dialogue, transparency, collaboration and shared responsibility are key to how the organisation operates, in order to create trust, a sense of ownership and home. These values resonate in how they work with artists, in how projects and trajectories are designed and when searching for the right connections and partners. The encounter with the audience and moments of exchange and feedback are essential for the artists’ development and understanding of their work.

It is their primary purpose to produce and promote new generations of dance artists, ensuring an on going nurturing of the national and international contemporary dance field.


Dansateliers was founded in 1993 to answer to the need for experimentation in dance at that moment in time. It has developed its working methods and strategies over the course of its existence, taking on the challenge of – and adjusting to – a changing field and world. An open dialogue with the artists has always played an essential role.

Building and facilities

Dansateliers is located in an early 20th century school building in the city centre, within walking distance from the central station. There are 3 studios; one studio sized 7 x 17 m and 2 studios sized 9 x 18 m. One of the studios is fully technically equipped and can be transformed into a white box for presentation, with a capacity for 50 audience members. A classroom serves as a cosy public space where people gather and meet and various offices are in use for the organisation and the artists.

‘s-Gravendijkwal 58B
3014 EE

Equity Atelier Series

workshop reports

A series of EDN workshops exploring practices of equity in contemporary dance - reports and podcasts are now published.
