
EDN members are value-driven organisations that aim at developing a sustainable dance field and building a more diverse, accessible, and equitable dance ecosystem.

Benefits for member organisations

Networking, learning and building international capacities
  • Be part of a forward-looking network advocating for the dance field at European level and supporting dance stakeholders in their sustainable development.
  • Connect to potential partners for your European and international projects and networks, benefiting from the expertise and guidance of the membership in relation to funding programmes.
  • Access member-led thematic or macro-regional working groups to design future formal and informal artistic collaborations.

Promotion and visibility
  • Internationally promote your organisation, initiatives and projects, including through circulating your news, open calls, opportunities, etc.
  • Access the latest professional information related to the international dance field.
  • Represent EDN in public online or physical events to valorise your organisation’s expertise and initiatives.

Representation and access
  • Represent your local, regional or national dance sector's initiatives by participating in EDN activities online and onsite.
  • Access to travel support for attending EDN activities.
  • Input into EDN’s yearly work programme, including research projects and publications.
  • Co-host EDN events, from Ateliers to General Assembly Meetings, and use these opportunities to engage with local, regional, national, and international stakeholders.
Operational capacity
  • Full voting rights during the General Assembly Meetings, including the possibility to take part in the governing body, and access all discussions and planning processes that help shape the network and its future activities.
  • Access to the members’ support documents and contact lists.
  • Access to member organisations’ artistic teams and staff members for exchange programmes.

Who can join the network?

To be able to join the network, dance organisations should have the following profile:

  • Be a not-for-profit organisation, legally established in Europe, with the professional development of contemporary dance as a core mission.
  • Be a home for dance stakeholders – an artist and/or dance development organisation promoting and supporting the professional independent dance field.
  • Lead both an ongoing audience engagement programme and an artistic development programme (for example either through presentation, residencies,  lectures, workshops, training, etc.).
  • Facilitate access to a diversity of contemporary dance aesthetics and practices both by professionals and the general public.

How to join?

EDN gives priority to applications from organisations based in countries where the network is not yet present

Expressions of interest for joining the network are always welcome! Please get in touch with the office team.

When assessing applications, the board of directors shall take into consideration the applying organisation's adherence to the membership profile as well as the current priorities to ensure the network's geographical balance.

  • Interested organisations may send an expression of interest to the EDN office team anytime during the year.
  • They will be invited to fill in the application form and attach 3 recommendation letters from 3 existing EDN members based in other countries than the applicant's.
  • The Board shall propose an online meeting to get to know the applicant, collect extra information, and check the eligibility of the applying organisation.
  • The admission of new members is subject to the approval of the General Assembly which meets twice a year in January and June.
  • If the General Assembly approves the admission, the dance organisation becomes a member upon the payment of the annual membership fee.

What to expect?



In the application process, dance organisations will be invited to demonstrate the following points:

  • Agree with and contribute to the mission of EDN.
  • Demonstrate their interest in collaborating with international organisations as well as in participating in EDN activities.
  • Demonstrate their motivation to work collectively towards more access, diversity, equity and inclusion in the dance field.
  • Promote more sustainable practices in the dance field and advocate for human, social, environmental, artistic and non-profit-seeking values.


Members’ commitments

All members understand that the more they engage with the network, the more benefits they get! They of course commit to the functioning of the association and its development:

  • Agree to appoint at least one representative who will be the contact person(s) within the organisation to ease the communication process with other members and the EDN office team.
  • Actively take part in EDN’s activities and co-create new ones.
  • Co-fund EDN's activities through hosting and participation fees.
  • Attend the General Assembly Meetings, either in person or via a proxy given to another EDN member organisation.
  • Attend at least one General Assembly Meeting in person each year.
  • Actively promote the EDN network, its actions and funders (internally, within their organisation, and externally, towards dance stakeholders).
  • Respond as best they can to the requests from EDN management to implement the yearly programme of activities.
  • Pay an annual membership fee.


Membership fee

The membership fee is fixed by the General Assembly upon the proposal of the Board. EDN members pay an annual fee, valid from January to December. The fee depends on the annual turnover of the organisation. Three categories are in place:

  • 225 EUR if turnover is below 200,000 EUR
  • 650 EUR when turnover is below 700,000 EUR
  • 1,200 EUR when turnover is over 700,000 EUR


EDN membership is only valid when the membership fee is paid. Invoices are sent at the beginning of the calendar year with a payment delay of 30 days.

Members facing difficulties are encouraged to contact the office team before the deadline to make alternative arrangements.


Members’ rights and responsibilities

General Meetings take place twice a year before the end of the first semester. All members are encouraged to participate and express their views, make decisions, and contribute to all discussions related to the management and the future of the network:

  • Each EDN member has one vote. Each member can be represented by another member, holder of a written proxy. Each member shall have no more than one proxy vote.
  • Votes include the approval of previous General Assembly Meeting minutes, the annual activity and financial reports, provisional action plans and budgets, and the election of members of the Board, among other key issues.
  • Any proposal to modify the statutes of the network or bring about its dissolution must come from the Board or at least two-thirds of the members. The General Assembly shall determine the method of dissolution and liquidation of the association. Assets originating from the association shall be allocated to a non-profit organisation.

Ending membership

  • Membership is automatically lost for non-payment of annual fees before the annual General Assembly Meeting. Members facing difficulties are invited to contact the office team.
  • Members can resign from the network by notifying the Board of their decision in writing.
  • The exclusion of a member may be proposed by the Board, after the organisation has been heard in its arguments, and can be voted by the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority of members present or represented.


For more information on EDN governance, please visit this page.