Guiding principles

The programme of Kino Šiška related to performing arts represents a diverse range of contemporary theatre and dance creativity as well as premieres of international and domestic productions and co-productions. The main focus is placed on festival events: the successful coproducing CoFestival created as part of the first European dance project and the Austrian-Slovenian focus on contemporary performing arts – At.Šiška!.

International dance CoFestival was created in 2012 as an answer to the challenging conditions of contemporary dance art production in Slovenia. By combining 3 autonomous festivals – modul-dance (Kino Šiška EU dance project), Ukrep (Festival of dance Perspectives) and Plesnavica (experimentation festival format) – the organisers joined artistic and production forces considering and creating the possible frames for long-term collaborations, friendships and commitments. From years 2013-2015 (the motto of the festival was The Art of Co-Living), they continued with only 2 producers – Kino Šiška and Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia – and with the ideas and showcases of finding the connection points, establishing of the common space, mutual support and the rise of new questions and reflect on how to proceed with the CoFestival in the coming years.


In 1961, Ljubljanski kinematografi (Ljubljana Cinematographic Company) was appointed by the city of Ljubljana to manage the Kino Šiška cinema, where films were being screened from 1964 to the end of 1980s. The cinema was then closed down due to a decrease in the number of visitors, and the venue was being rented for various events and lectures. In 1994 the cinema was launched again.

After multiplex cinema opened in Ljubljana in 2001, the story of Kino Šiška was again brought to an end. Between 2002 and 2007, art projects were being made in Kino Šiška, dance and theatre workshops took place there. The deadlock was broken in 2006 when the new mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković, forwarded the project into the phase of implementation, the project having the position of a priority in his programme. After major reconstruction and renovation Kino Šiška (now as Centre for Urban Culture) was opened in August 2009.

Building and facilities

Kino Šiška has 2 theatre halls: Katedrala and Komuna.

Katedrala has the capacity of 440 settings. It is suitable for presentations, researches and productions. The stage and theater are both suitable and flexible for different performances and stage technical designs. Komuna is a studio with a capacity of 120 settings. It is mostly used for researches, rehearsals, productions and smaller presentations.

The upper foyer is suitable for workshops and lecture performances.

As a venue with high-tech facilities, Kino Šiška offers not only theater and dance productions, but also presents dance movies, also 3D films.

Photo: Urška Boljkovac.

Trg prekomorskih brigad 3

MODINA Art & Technology

4 August 2024

Open Call Residency

Funded Artist Residencies for multidisciplinary duos, working with computational creativity and audience interaction.
