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As EU and US leaders met on 15 June, more than 100 organisations from across Europe and America’s cultural and creative sectors united their voices to call for greater focus on EU-US cultural relations, of particular importance in recovering from the Corona crisis. 

“The EU and the US are highly important export markets for culture. Cultural services accounted for 5,961.5 bln € of export to US in 2019 and for 2,575.1 of import in the EU.

The Corona-crisis has hit both trade partners severely. Concerts, performances and events stood still for more than a year, with no travelling and touring in either direction. According to a study conducted by EY on the impact of the pandemic the music and performing arts sector in Europe were hit worst with 70% and 90% less turnover in 2020. It is expected that only towards the end of 2021 this will slowly resume, with severe consequences on the live events business between the US and the EU.”

More than 100 organisations have signed the letter, which calls for a reduction of obstacles to obtaining visas and work permits in order to support greater cultural exchange between the two continents.