Webinar Wednesdays is an online series for dance professionals offered by The Place. Each session focuses on skills and questions that may be particularly resonant, practical, and nourishing now and that may help us reimagine future realities.

Each webinar will take place on Zoom and will be hosted by The Place's Artist Development Producer Polly Cuthbert and Artist Associate J Neve Harrington. Zoom links will be emailed to everyone who books a place online. Each session will be BSL interpreted. In English.

From Disco Queens to Pastoral Care

Presented by choreographers, dance, movement and interdisciplinary artists, the webinars will explore topics and examples ranging from clashing values in community engaged practices, the gap between lived experience and its representation, the joys and challenges of cross-disciplinary collaborations, practices of care in higher education, considering audiences as partners, to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of dance artists and people in dance processes.