
With the arrival of the new venue of 700/220 seats in Helsinki, the team at Tanssin Talo hosted a dialogue with European and international colleagues to unpack the diverse potentials and issues concerning creating and presenting dance in different contexts, economies and conditions. After the game changing pandemic, it is time to redesign and rethink how the future of artistic production and presenting can be. The EDN Atelier invited professionals to explore this topic in a two-day online meeting. 

The Atelier included four online sessions, with international guest speakers and artists. Each session was moderated, and there were opportunities for discussion and exchange. The Atelier also introduced the artists from SPARKS.

For whom

Key questions guiding the dialogues were: 

Best practices for supporting new creations on different scales? What have we learned from this pandemic year about the working environment, that we will hold on to and develop? How can the contemporary (current) emphasis on process based working methods, intimate encounters with audience and participation, be supported and developed for a larger stage? What future strategies for sustainable large scale productions and touring is possible?



Artistic approach on how to define large

Perspectives of dramaturgy, artistic collaboration, and the relationship with the audience. (Moderator tbc)

Global outreach; Exchange and collaboration in times of climate change and  the pandemic (from an artistic production perspective)

How do we see the future of touring big productions internationally in relation to the production perspective? How can the exchange of dance work globally be sustainable?(Moderator: Katarina Lindholm)

European/Nordic/Baltic perspective of exchange and collaboration

How to operate sustainably? Case studies and best practices of such projects as SPARKS, Big Pulse, Nordic Dance Net, Perform Europe. (Moderator: Marie Proffit)

Technical perspectives on touring dance production

What does the future of touring dance productions look like? What possibilities exists, what needs to be developed? (Moderator: Bia Oliviera)

Meet the artists from SPARKS

SPARKS is a new artistic development project to support artists provides key resources for dance makers to support the entire creation process; from research to residency to production. SPARKS artists are Milla Koistinen, Veli Lehtovaara, Johanna Nuutinen, Elina Pirinen and WAUHAUS. (Moderator: Katarina Lindholm)

Registration and fee

Enrollment for the Atelier was free to all dance professionals.

Contact and assistance

For any inquiries, please be in touch with Engagement & Production Manager Eva Broberg.

Helsinki I Finland