The recent spread of the Coronavirus is pushing States to take harsh measures in the attempt to tackle the pandemic throughout Europe and beyond. The European Dancehouse Network's thoughts are with all those who are suffering because of this virus and sincerely hopes that anyone affected by it gets well soon.

EDN's activities have been either cancelled or are on hold. We will update information on our website when we get further details on how activities will take place in the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience.

Take our survey

Coronavirus and the dance sector

The emergency measures have affected many, especially as our work in contemporary dance takes place through physical encounters and gatherings. EDN stands in solidarity with dance houses and artists affected by the emergency measures to prohibit large gatherings of people with a view to containing the spread of the COVID19 virus.

Without appropriate support measures, these decisions will have devastating economic and social consequences on the sector.

Impact on the sector

To get a better picture on how the dance sector is affected, we have developed a questionnaire for individuals working in the dance sector (artists, freelancers, employed, others).

Please fill in the survey and forward it to any person or organisation that should contribute. Your participation is very much appreciated.

Note: this survey is now closed.

Solidarity in the cultural sector

Advocacy from the culture sector

Whether employed or freelance, workers in the cultural sector, who are often in an already precarious situation, are facing a sudden and dramatic loss of income. We join Cultural Action Europe in its support to PEARLE* statement and urge all governments to adopt emergency measures that may adequately support the sustainability of the cultural sector.

Additionally, we want to point out the resource page made by On the Move in partnership with Circostrada. It is done as a way to gather information and initiatives internationally (particularly in Europe, Asia and the USA) that can be useful to share, know about and/or be inspired from. This page is regularly updated.

Together with other European networks, Culture Action Europe published on March 20 an open letter "Remaining together in times of crisis", addressed to president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Parliament David Sassoli, to EP CULT committee members and to Permanent Representations of the Member States.

Additionally, CAE and other networks presented on March 23 a letter listing the Effect of COVID-19 on Creative Europe and the European Cultural and Creative Sectors. Find the letter here, and on IETM as well.

Together with the European Cultural Foundation, Culture Action Europe launched on March 25 a survey to collaboratively map the emergency response in Europe. Take part before April 1st by following this link: Mapping survey.

Update: The performing arts sector has been deeply impacted by the current COVID-19 crisis. At the dawn of lockdown measures taken by governments across the globe, IETM has circulated a survey among its members to get a grip on how the new reality has affected them so far. Based on the key findings of the survey, this report outlines the situation on an international scale, identifies the most burning needs of the sector in times of the pandemic and presents an overview of governments’ responses to the COVID-19 crisis. The report concludes with policy recommendations intended for EU, national and local authorities.

Information on European level

EU & EACEA response

The COVID-19 crisis has necessarily triggered the measures by national competent authorities to contain the spread of the virus. These may have brought difficulties in the management of international and European projects, especially when it comes to the impossibility of travelling or gathering that some organisations and partners are facing.

The European Commission has published one information page about the Coronavirus pandemic, so did the EACEA. Please make sure to check your grant agreement and to contact your grant officer if you are coordinating a European project; and inform your partners regularly.

Update: please visit this page for a message of the EACEA for the beneficiaries of programmes managed by the Agency.

On March 27th, the Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament warns that the cultural and creative sectors have been ravaged by the impact of stringent public health measures. Commenting on yesterday’s approval by the EP of the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative, Culture and Education Committee Chair, Sabine Verheyen (EPP, DE), issued the following statement.

Camping is back to CN D Pantin

14 - 25 October 2024

Camping is a unique way to experience dance and meet with artists and dance students from the international choreographic scene.
