Interviews and guided tours

Interested to know more about the dancehouses?

Read or watch interviews with some of the dancehouses founders:

  • Mary Brady, former director of the Institute for Choreography and Dance in Cork, co-founding member of EDN and member of the first project IDEE
  • Joanna Leśnierowska, director of Art Stations Foundation in Poznan, Poland - realised by WASP
  • Video interviews with Bertram Müller, Karen Lynhgolm and Walter Heun - past board members of EDN
  • Video interviews with 7 EDN members about the concept of dancehouses, realised by ABCDance during the Atelier "Building a dancehouse" in August 2015

Take a tour

The dancehouses invite you to have a look at their facilities - browse through more than 20 of the houses here.