Creating Proximity

Atelier at KLAP

Building on the experiences of the Atelier on Young Audiences in Hamburg in May 2019, this Atelier at Klap (Marseille, France) in January 2020 deepened the strategies for creating for and connecting to young audiences.

Creating proximity - 10-11 January 2020

Within the theme of Audience developement, EDN and KLAP Maison pour la Danse invited the participants of the atelier to explore practices and possibilities to create proximity in relation with the Citizen’s engagement and Young audiences.

  • How are our actions based in our specific territory the ground to develop the citizenship ?
  • How are our dancehouses a hub to build shared spaces?
  • Where are our responsabilities/needs and obstacles/difficulties ?
  • How can we renew our strengths by questionning our ethics and governance ?

This atelier was intended for local, national and international profesionals: directors, artists, curators/programmers, staff members working in PR and/or communication.

Preliminary programme

This programme is subject to changes.

Day 1 - Friday 10 January


Welcome at KLAP Maison pour la danse

FOCUS (3 speakers):

  • Roberto CASAROTTO (Director of dance projects for CSC and Operaestate Festival Veneto – Bassano del Grappa/Italy, EDN member) will present the B-Motion festival and the citizen’s engagement
  • Emilie ROBERT (Co-President ASSITEJ France and Director Théâtre Massalia – Marseille/France) will address the topic of Speaking with Young audiences while preserving esthetic integrity
  • Nathalie ANTON (Director Arcade – Aix-en-Provence/France) will address "Ethic and Governance : a Trip to the future"


EXPLORATION of La Friche la Belle de Mai’s project by Alain ARNAUDET (Director Friche la Belle de Mai – Marseille/France)

1st ATELIER SESSION / open discussion, working group (tba)


SHOW Rock and Goal - Michel KELEMENIS (dedicated to 5 years and beyond)

Day 2 - Saturday 11 January


WORKSHOP Leaving no one behind with Anne REHBINDER (writer and photographer) and Antoine COLNOT (stage director)

2nd ATELIER SESSION / open discussion, working group (tba)


3rd ATELIER SESSION / open discussion, pleanary session (tba)


SHOW Tropismes - Olivier DUBOIS

What happened?

"Creating proximity" dived into the question of audience engagement from the perspective of local neighbourhoods and social bonds.

Read the report of the Atelier to get an impression of the 2-day discussions.